July 20, 2005

Secondary Income

Soon I'm going to be moving into my new place across town. And soon I will actually be paying rent. I've figured out this means I will need a secondary source of income.

Good news is I have two interviews tomorrow!

The first is with a Las Vegas talent agency called Image Makers of Las Vegas. Hopefully they will be able to hook me up with the ocasional extra work or random gig that requires my special talents (though I'm not quite sure what those are).

The second is with the Clark County School District. I've applied to be a substitute teacher. This would be a great job for me as it is "on call." But rather than them calling me I call in to see if there is work on a particular day that I am available. It would also be good because it won't interfere with Gatekeeping. I have also been told by my sister, who is a teacher for the county, and a fellow Gatekeeper, who subs for the county, that there is always a need for substitutes. My sister also said that schools can request certain subs if they want them and that she would try to get me on her schools list.

So wish me luck! (Or not.)

July 14, 2005

Not in Annie. 8^(

I spoke with Rod today, one of the directors of Finding Love for Annie. He told me I made it to the cutting room floor. Yep, my visage will not be appearing in the film. That's okay. I think my song is still in, and apparently there's some sort of surprise, though I don't know if it's a general surprise for everyone, or just a surprise for me. In any case, I'll be surprised when I see it. If I see it. I guess we won't get our copies till after the festival circuit is done. 8^(

I want to see it!!!

It's okay. I'm a patient person...no...no I'm not. Don't care how, I want it now!


July 03, 2005


Well, word came down from management today (or rather yesterday) that we are no longer to describe ourselves as ushers when describing our job.

I agree. We are not ushers. As David, another Gatekeeper, put it,

"We are inhabitants of the village of KA."

As inhabitants we welcome guests to the village and prepare them for the royal celebration.

We provide customer service in a way that goes beyond "usher," bringing new form to the front of house experience.

We are...